Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Names and Dance Moves

So the challenge is to name all the rockstars and their dance moves, so here we go:
Bottom Row L to R:
Cassie- She rocked the shimmy
Sarah- She pulled out the swim move
Vikki- She wasn't there for the dancing
Sarah- She did the twist
Emily- She did the karate kick

Second Row L to R:
Connor- None due to injury
Cody- Busted out the wave
Ryan- Did some elbow slaps
George- The infamous worm
Eric- Did the John Wall
William- Checked himself out in the mirror

Third Row
Sam- Did the lighthouse
Shane- Taught us how to dougie
Greg- Grabbed his knee and head and busted out a break dancing move
Steve- Started up the lawn mower

Fourth Row
Corey- Shook his shirt
Me!- Got some groceries with the shopping cart
Justin- Did the Jerk
Matt- Did the Cat Daddy
Rob- Snapped his fingers and hit his hands to a rhythm

Teachers Assistants Not In Photo:
Ryan C.- The sprinkler
Nicole- Brushed her shoulders off
Ben- Q-Tipped his ears
Andy- Hula

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